Mars 11 2025 08:00:44
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Hundar och barn får gärna åka med, men med skydd som filtar och plast innan.
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945 cabin air filter? -SOLVED
Is it true that the 1992 year 945 does not have a cabin air filter? If there is one, where is it located?
Fans do not blow any air when driving in town, but when driving on the highway the fans blow both cold and hot air.
Maybe is something clogged?
Thanks in advance
Redigerat av Sladdaren den 13-12-2016 16:59
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Torbik skrev:

Is it true that the 1992 year 945 does not have a cabin air filter? If there is one, where is it located?
Fans do not blow any air when driving in town, but when driving on the highway the fans blow both cold and hot air.
Maybe is something clogged?
Thanks in advance

Hi Torbik

im almost very sure that the early years of Volvo 940 doesn´t have a cabin filter. I´ve read that the late models in Europe have one or at least you could have the option to install a cabin air filter.
I searched information about cabin air filter and some 940 owners have made a filter on they own. How they did this i dont know.

This problem you have with the fan could be the that the fan is giving up. Its a common problem for this modell years on 7/900 serie. When you driving on high speed road the fan get help from the wind draft to spin. Im just guessing.
On my white 740 from 1990 i had sometimes hit or kick the area where the fan is located to get in to spinWink
Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey.......Eller hur va det nu ??!!thinking - Volvo guider och manualer - Min projekt tråd Volvo S80 Videoguider, styling m.m
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The fan should be located under the console(dash), or at the back of the bonnet, where the heater core is?
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The fan is located behind the glove compartment. I am going to do a video guide soon how to change the fan on Volvo 7/900 serie. This guide could be finished in next weekSmile
We have another guide that could be helpful. Some images on how to solve electrical problem with the heater fan. But this pictures can be helpful when you search the location of the fanSmile

I have done this video guide on how to replace the heat fan on Volvo 7/900 serie.
Redigerat av Sladdaren den 11-11-2016 18:35
Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey.......Eller hur va det nu ??!!thinking - Volvo guider och manualer - Min projekt tråd Volvo S80 Videoguider, styling m.m
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Saw the video, thank you!
The commenter on the video mus have a US variant?
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Torbik skrev:

Saw the video, thank you!
The commenter on the video mus have a US variant?

Yea i think sothinking
Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey.......Eller hur va det nu ??!!thinking - Volvo guider och manualer - Min projekt tråd Volvo S80 Videoguider, styling m.m
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Ok I took a new (supposedly working) fan off a 1995. 940 and connected it and it doesnt blow at all?
My current fan blows at only in speed 5, so it should be the resistor. I discconnected it and now I have this question: Do 940s have different resistors or anything? Do all 740s and 940s are the same? (is there a difference in with climate control or without?)
My resistor is the KRAH-RW1 2/2 ZDAD-P-SI, I am going to look a used one in Estonia, maybe have to order a ned one.
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I think there is a different resistor on 940 then the 740. On 740 its only 4-speed fan. You should get the same resistor to be on the safe side.
And if the fan only work on the highest speed its typical the resistor that have to be changed. Smile
Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey.......Eller hur va det nu ??!!thinking - Volvo guider och manualer - Min projekt tråd Volvo S80 Videoguider, styling m.m
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Got the replacement resistor, changed it - and it didn't help Ubernice
The last thing that I suspect is that my old button for the speed of the fan(Fläkt) doesn't move in steps, but just slides.
I will change that as I got it off a junkyard car for free(the new one moves in steps or cliks)
Wish me luck Tummen upp
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Torbik skrev:

Got the replacement resistor, changed it - and it didn't help Ubernice
The last thing that I suspect is that my old button for the speed of the fan(Fläkt) doesn't move in steps, but just slides.
I will change that as I got it off a junkyard car for free(the new one moves in steps or cliks)
Wish me luck Tummen upp

Wow what the ....
im very curious about what the error could be japp. Hope a new button will solve this problem. I wish you luck Smile
Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey.......Eller hur va det nu ??!!thinking - Volvo guider och manualer - Min projekt tråd Volvo S80 Videoguider, styling m.m
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Changes the button and..... it works!Cool
Thank you for your previous information

Great..we locking the thread thumpsup

Redigerat av Sladdaren den 13-12-2016 16:58
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28-01-2025 22:21
En ny video är på gång. Så in på Youtube och prenumerera !! Den här filmen får ni inte missa thumpsup.

22-01-2025 12:46
Jag har varit ute och skruvat på min V70. Bilder dyker upp rätt snart på vad som fixats click

03-01-2025 12:03
Forumet fyller snart 30 år. Om vi finns kvar i 5 år till så Holy. Gott nytt år på er alla.

23-12-2024 12:05
God Jul på er alla här inne. KÖR FÖRSIKTIGT Santa

17-12-2024 12:26
Vill önska forumets kända Volvo folk God Jul. Passar på att rikta ett extra GOD JUL till InTheWite och kimb0 för era intressanta projekt här Santa.

03-12-2024 19:36
Så kul att så många besöker forumet Santa Tummen upp

25-11-2024 09:42
Vad skönt att du får det ordnat. Du har dragits med det där karpaltunnel eländet ett tag thumpsup.

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