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Tråd skapare: Torbik
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Volvo 945 D24TIC injektor - LÖST
Hey from Estonia!
I don't speaks swedish, so i will post in english if I may.
Diesel is leaking from my number 1 inejctor. It should not be any fuel line, but in the connection.
Is there any rubber/brass gasket or seal to replace? It should be rather easy to remove the injector.
Torbik bifogade följande bild:bild:

Redigerat av Sladdaren den 18-10-2020 22:10
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Hi Torbik

Yea there is a rubber seal that probably need to be replaced. Smile
Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey.......Eller hur va det nu ??!!thinking - Volvo guider och manualer - Min projekt tråd Volvo S80 Videoguider, styling m.m
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Hi and welcome! Smile
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I have never been a diesel man so: if I disconnect the injector I DON'T have to bleed the system as there isn't any pressure going to the injector? Does the seal have a specific volvo part nr?
BTW:nice to see many good guides and awesome projects! RWD Volvos for life-
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Torbik skrev:

I have never been a diesel man so: if I disconnect the injector I DON'T have to bleed the system as there isn't any pressure going to the injector? Does the seal have a specific volvo part nr?
BTW:nice to see many good guides and awesome projects! RWD Volvos for life-

Im unsure about the bleeding the system unsure. If you have run out of fuel in a diesel you have to bleed the system and the best way to do this is by the injectors it seems. Do you have a Volvo shop where you live ?. You better ask them about the partnr of the seal. In some cases of models you have a kind of metal ring that seals ( heat shield washers).
Ty for the nice comments about our guides and projectsHoly

september 28 2016 23:54:57:
I found a step by step how to guide of Bleed the air from diesel fuel lines and filters. I post it here if anyone has this problem.Smile

When you change a diesel fuel filter, run out of fuel or disturb the fuel system, air is trapped.
When you try to start the engine this air acts as a lock, preventing the normal supply of fuel
into the cylinder.
Here are the steps to take in bleeding air from a diesel fuel system:

1. Turn off fuel valve.
2. Clean outside of filter housing.
3. Install new filter element and new gaskets. A little oil on the gasket will aid a tight
4. I'd suggest that you fill a spin-on filter with clean fuel before installation.
5. Open the bleed plug on the filter closest to the fuel tank.
6. Open fuel supply valve so that the fuel is available to the filter and pump.
7. Most all equipment has a hand priming pump lever to pump fuel through the system
and replace trapped air. (Check operator's manual.) Pump several times until full
flow, without air bubbles, escapes from the bleed plug holes.
8. You may need to bleed filters, fuel pump and lines to the injectors.
9. Close bleed plugs after all air is removed from the fuel tank, filters, settlement bulb,
and fuel pump (only one at a time working through all bleed screws beginning closest
to tank and ending at nozzles if necessary).
10. Try the engine; if it doesn't start or runs poorly, you may have to bleed the injection
11. Loosen injection lines at the injectors about one turn. The use of two wrenches will
prevent the binding or twisting of the steel lines. Usually, it is enough to bleed just half
of the lines at a time.
12. Crank the engine until all air is forced out and fuel is present.
13. Engine will start to pop on one or two cylinders.
14. Tighten the injector lock nut one at a time to tell by sound which cylinders are firing
15. Run the engine until it runs smoothly. This will bleed the other injectors.
No attempt should be made to service the injection pump or nozzles. This requires special
tools and know how. All new gaskets, O-rings, and seals will have to be replaced to prevent leaking.
Redigerat av Sladdaren den 28-09-2016 23:54
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17-12-2024 12:26
Vill önska forumets kända Volvo folk God Jul. Passar på att rikta ett extra GOD JUL till InTheWite och kimb0 för era intressanta projekt här Santa.

03-12-2024 19:36
Så kul att så många besöker forumet Santa Tummen upp

25-11-2024 09:42
Vad skönt att du får det ordnat. Du har dragits med det där karpaltunnel eländet ett tag thumpsup.

23-11-2024 13:57
Blir inget skruva på ett tag nu då.. Karpaltunnel operation i höger hand gjord i Onsdgs..

22-11-2024 11:22
VILA I FRID PG Gyllenhammar

20-11-2024 17:49
Så superkul att Volvosweden strax har 7000 registrerade användare Tummen upp Holy tack alla ni som är inne på forumet.

18-11-2024 11:52
Bytte till vinterdäck igår. Får se nu när snön kommer Smile

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